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A New Season Audio Book

A New Season Audio Book

Product Code: B-3
Availability: Out Of Stock
Price: RS1,169.00
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A New Season : A Robertson Family Love Story of Brokenness and Redemption

Infidelity, deceit, distrust, and shame. Unfortunately, this is what too many marriages in America are made of. And it happens in the best of families--even the family-value-promoting, Bible-following, Christian-based Robertson family. Specifically in the marriage of Alan and Lisa Robertson. 

Fans of Duck Dynasty and the Robertson clan already know that as the oldest Robertson kid, Alan lived through the roughest years with his pre-faith father. Molested as a young child by a relative, Lisa came into their relationship with baggage of her own. With a romance that began in junior high, theirs got off to a rocky start. But soon they settled in as a married couple and had two baby girls. Alan took a position as pastor in the church where his family had been members for years. And so when it was discovered that Lisa had had an affair, the heartache and the tension became a very public thing.

But this is not a book about a marriage gone wrong. It is about rescused love. About renewed commitment. And about the strength and love to salvage a relationship that seems certainly lost. After getting very close to divorce, Alan and Lisa came to terms with what went wrong in their marriage and both began the hard work of making it right. Now, they share not only their personal stories, but they also share what they learned about rebuilding lost love, destroyed trust, and a real family. Married for 28 years, Alan and Lisa counsel couples whose marriages are in trouble and speak across the country--openly sharing their failures and their renewed commitment.

Ultimately, this book is about love. And it's about the importance of family and faith. By sharing their story of near destruction and ultimate redemption, Alan and Lisa Roberston want to share how their marriage has triumphed despite the hardships and show readers how they can triumph too,

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